If you are a game or software programmer, or you are able to create games/software, please contact at RAYHAANPIRANI@MSN.COM
You are free to create your games or software with any type of game or software creator. You can use any tool or programmer to create your games or software...
What do we require??
We just require the following:
GAMES Any good types of games. You are free to create anything. Just add "Distributed by RAYHAAN PIRANI" and "FreeGamesGalore.page.tl". You can give yourself credit.
SOFTWARE A Web Browser named "Rayhaan Pirani Browser" we got it
A Media Player named "Rayhaan Pirani Media Player"
A Flash (SWF) Player namely "Rayhaan Pirani Flash Player"
A DCR Flash player named "RAYHAAN PIRANI DCR Player"
A Download Manager named "DownloadZ Manager"
(Just add "Distributed by RAYHAAN PIRANI" and "FreeGamesGalore.page.tl")
Please we need that. At least create some of the things.